太后的博客 剥茧抽丝,太后手把手教你筛掉坏租客



第一句话:My client is working professional living in the ###area. She has sold her property closing this month and is looking for a rental for 1 year minimum with potential of extension or renewal.

这些年自己当房东,早就练就了一双火眼金睛,也有了福尔摩斯般的思考方式,那就是你看到的不一定是真实的。立即去查这个所谓卖掉的房子,房子卖掉不假,但seller不是她,closing day也不吻合。嗯,疑点重重啊。

然后写到:My client is an extremely clean tenant and takes pride in ownership of any property she lives in. 
She has a busy schedule and is hardly home therefore she only wants to secure a affordable space that is easy to clean and maintain.



She wanted to know if your landlord would be okay with painting the unit a standard white by a professional company.  Her furniture is grey and she thinks it wouldn’t match the home. She also requests to also have consent to mount a tv wall mount in the living room. On expiration of the Lease she will have a company come in and patch and paint the holes on closing. In the lease we have added a few more requests. 


再来看看此人的税单: 2016年收入20多万,2017年收入18多万,作为一位自雇人士,她的整体t1和NOA数据都让人生疑,千万别低估了太后,好歹我也是兼职了mortgage broker 的

最后看信用报告:看的太后目瞪口呆瞠目结舌哑口无言无言以对。。。一下撕开伪装的面具。 欲知信用报告里都有什么?请看下会分解。